January 2024 through December 2024
In 2024, the Literary Freedom Project will dedicate all of its programs to celebrating the impactful legacy of James Baldwin, a writer, scholar, and activist. Born on August 2, 1924, Baldwin graduated from DeWitt Clinton HS in the Bronx and became one of the most prominent voices of the 20th century. His various works, including essays, speeches, plays, poetry, short stories, and novels, pushed boundaries by addressing racial and social issues and provided insightful political and social commentaries on the Black American experience.
To commemorate Baldwin's centenary, One Book One Bronx will organize a series of public conversations throughout the Bronx. These events will feature discussions on a diverse selection of books by and on Baldwin. The discussions aim to showcase how literature can be used to explore and develop dialogues on social justice, racism, gentrification, women empowerment, policing, and issues that impact our daily lives. The annual Mosaic Literary Conference, scheduled for 11/24/2024, will also focus on Baldwin's principles and ideas,
The Mosaic Literary Conference provides a platform for literature-based creative thinking and knowledge sharing. Each year we invite educators, community and arts organizations, as well as the public, to participate in a variety of workshops.
The Literary Freedom Project is committed to creating spaces that help elevate cultural narratives. Our programs value the variety of histories and cultures in the Bronx and give educators & residents places to build community and explore social engagement.

Mosaic Literary Conference; Me Too Movement, November 2018
photo by Michael Young