Start A Book Club

Let the Literary Freedom Project bring a transformative literary experience to your organization. Our weekly on-site book clubs offer an engaging journey through carefully selected books, appealing to a variety of interests and settings—from community-based groups and wellness programs to senior centers and educational institutions. Each selection creates an immersive experience, ensuring something for everyone to enjoy.

Our program can emphasize “bibliotherapy,” a creative arts therapy approach that uses storytelling and reading as tools for wellness. This method leverages personal connections to literature, making book clubs a supportive space for literacy and wellness. Could your organization benefit from fostering wellness-centered book clubs that strengthen literacy?

Each book club runs for five weeks per title, with sessions thoughtfully guided by a trained facilitator who creates an inviting and thought-provoking environment. Whether participants are seasoned readers or rediscovering the pleasure of reading, our book clubs provide the perfect setting for exploring new stories and perspectives.

Writing Workshop

Add our adult writing workshops to help participants explore personal histories and cultures while building tools to hone skills that can transfer to vocational and journaling needs. Workshops also help writers build agency by teaching them various strategies for generating ideas, planning, drafting, revising, and publishing their work.

Launched in 2014 as a way to connect our Bronx neighbors to the vibrant ideas and histories found in books, our discussions reconnect personal narratives to such classics as Down These Mean Streets by Piri Thomas, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, and When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago. Discussions have also focused on newer works by Angie Cruz, Colson Whitehead, Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa, and Tarana Burke.

The Literary Freedom Project provides books and facilitation. Contact us today and start connecting your community to books and culture.

January 2023
One Book One Bronx at The Bronx Museum